Tuesday 19 February 2013

Random musings of a 2 year old

  •  Me: "You have a new freckle on your leg!"
     Charlie: "Oh yeah! But none on my penis."
  •  *baby crying*
    "You better pick that baby up and feed it."
  • *tries to copy my scowling face and then immediately stops*
    "Nope, no. Only grown ups do that."

    I'm really loving this talking stage. I feel like each new "stage" he reaches quickly becomes my new "favourite". But as difficult and as challenging as 2.5 is, it's also pretty amazing. He's becoming his own little person with preferences, personality and a (weird) sense of humour. I caught myself cracking up at him throughout the day today, which definitely helps when I also want to strangle him at other points in the day.

    This moment was a mixture of cracking up and wanting to strangle him.
  • Note: I do not actually want to strangle him. Do not call CPS.

    He was so content today just playing "kick" (soccer) or "hit" (baseball) or dancing around to our oldies music. I kept asking him if he wanted to colour, or play his memory game, or play with play-doh. I was feeling guilty that we weren't doing anything productive. (Because you know, drawing Spideman for the 485th time is super "productive".) But he just was happy being a nut and running around the basement. Hey man, whatever floats your boat.

    This is just a random sampling. 
    (Note: he still hates wearing pants around the house)
    (Oh, and that shirt is for 5 year olds. Hopefully he will still like the Hulk when he finally grows into it.)


Saturday 16 February 2013

Well this is embarrassing...

Oh, hi there nobody. I'm sure I've lost any tiny readership I might have had (I really disappointed those 2 people). But I'm thinking of starting this ol' creaky machine up again. I figure, if anything, it will be a way for me to have written reminders of what my boys were like at certain stages.

Oh. Yes. Boys. I have more than one now. So a few things have happened since I last posted. Here, I'll give you the abridged version.

This happened:

Then this:
41 weeks! 

 Then, after some screaming and tears, this happened:

That cute guy is Henry, but we call him Huck. Baby Huck to Charlie. He arrived on his own accord, on the day I was supposed to be induced, and he came fast. So fast that I couldn't even get an epidural. Yeeeeah, that was... an experience.

So now we have two adorable, challenging, hilarious, smiley, cuddly boys. And life is crazy. Amazing, of course, but crazy.

So I guess my blog name isn't really fitting, since this is not just about Charlie anymore. Just as we called Charlie "Ham", we called Huck "Bacon". (We like pork products, what?) So I'll have to make a little alteration to the name.

Who knows how long this new dedication to blogging will go. I hope I stick with it this time! I was a baby book failure, so I have no record of milestones or funny quirks Charlie has had over the past 2.5 years. So here's hoping I'm better about blogging and this will be my e-baby book. Probably won't be too exciting to read (for all of you zero people reading) but it might be interesting for me to look back on!

And if you don't read, you can still come for cuteness like this.

That's worth it, right?

Sunday 26 February 2012

This is why we don't go to "artsy" things.

Jimmy's dialogue (with himself) while watching Cirque du Soleil perform at the Oscars
- That guy's gonna hurt himself.
- Yup he's dead
- OW! his back. Ow.
- Yup, first and last performance. He's dead.
- This is stuff that people used to do when... ouch... When they were kids.
- That guy fell! Go back. Go back. Go back. Go back.
- See? I bet it was that guy that hurt his back earlier. He ruined it.
- Why did he do that all of a sudden?
- Why did that guy take his shirt off?
- Why is he doing that like that?
- How is that guy spinning like that?
- Woah.
- Woah woah!
- Eeeeeee.
*sigh of relief*

(end of performance)
(audience applauds)

- I don't get it.

Thursday 23 February 2012

All babies, all the time!

So my family has had a new addition since the last time I posted - I have a new nephew! He was born on February 7th and he is squishy and adorable. My sister (his mom) is quite internet private so, sadly, I can't share any pictures or his name. Let me assure you though, he is the cutest.

Seeing a newborn has brought all the old memories back to me. When I think back to the first month (or four) of Charlie's life, I remember an extremely difficult, extremely exhausting and extremely emotional time.

Sure there was the happiness of meeting my son, and all the joy of loving him, blah blah blah. But holy CRAP it was hard.

But now? Now that I have a moving, opinionated, energetic, needy (awesome, loving and amazing) toddler? The newborn stage seems like a snap! What was I complaining about? They don't move! They sleep all the time! They just eat and lie there like a lump!

Lump - Day 2

I guess that's why second kids seem so much easier? You appreciate their lack of mobility (and lack of a temper).

The other baby that's been getting a lot of attention is Charlie's baby doll.

(from L to R: Brobee, Muno, Charlie, Baby Doll)

This is actually one of my dolls from when I was young. I picked it up at my parent's house, thinking it would be a good toy and teach Charlie to be gentle with his new cousin. He didn't really care for it at first. But then this past week he has become obsessed with it!

He watches the "Baby" episode of Yo Gabba Gabba and sits with his baby. If I put on a different episode, as soon as he realizes it, he brings the baby over to me and shoves it in my face. Like "No no lady. THIS one."

Another new thing of his is that he wants to be picked up and danced with for EVERY song of the show. It's adorable at first, but then get's exhausting (seeing as he's over 30lbs!) We had the genius idea of telling him to dance with his baby instead.

I think he enjoyed himself.

Well... until he almost threw up.

Saturday 4 February 2012

I think I need to take out the Moby...(and other rambling).

...for my cat. Seriously. He's like a needy toddler, always wanting to be picked up. The vet DID say he was teething. So basically I have two teething kids.

This is what I'm dealing with

It could be worse, right? At least he's adorable.

Charlie and I had his two weekly classes yesterday and today. He goes to music class on Fridays and sportball on Saturdays.

Music class is... fun? I suppose. It's good for him because he doesn't have a lot of interaction with kids his age (other than his cousin). But it stresses me out. For about 20 minutes of the class, the kids (and parents) are supposed to be sitting in a circle, listening to music and singing. Charlie does not agree with this lesson plan. He spends about 19 of those minutes either dancing in the middle of the circle (good) or just running around the room (not good).

It wouldn't be stressful if all the other kids were ALSO going crazy, but they're not! They all just.. SIT THERE! What the hell? It's like we're surrounded by calm, perfectly behaved angels and my kid's like the tazmanian devil (such a topical reference, I know).

The only other kid that is just as crazy is Declan, my nephew. So my sister and I are pretty much convinced that all the other adults are quietly judging and pitying us. *sigh* Hopefully they understand that it's hard to make a 17 month and 23 month old do much of anything when they don't want to.

At least they're adorable. Just like the cat.

And now for something completely different: a new video! Charlie is showing off some of his new skills! Bonus is him getting completely spooked by the dogs at the end. He's terrified but it makes me laugh. (Oh and please don't judge the awful mess. I have no excuse... it's just a mess.)

He's been making so many new sounds lately! It's so exciting.

Tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday! I plan to celebrate by eating chili and wearing the one NFL shirt I own. Wee!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

The oldest trick in the book

I can't believe I fell for it. "Oh, what's that mommy?"

I'm such a chump.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

A glimpse at my future

Charlie and I went to Jimmy's cousin's baby shower this past weekend (are you still with me? That was a lot of descriptors.)

There were a few little kids there, but the one closest in age was a 2 year old little girl. She LOVED Charlie. She followed him around saying "Cha-lee!" and would come seek him out if she couldn't find him. He was interested in her for a couple of seconds but then was way more into the balloons and food.

At one point Charlie discovered the closet where all the guests had their coats. He ran in and not even 5 seconds later, the 2 year old came out of NOWHERE and followed him in. I spent the next minute or so trying to get them to come out.

I really didn't think seven minutes in heaven would start THIS early.

Here's Charlie and his Nanny at the shower. He's enjoying a lollipop.

(And really, could you blame the girl? He's in a sweater vest for god's sake.)